Tuesday, February 26, 2013

No such animal

Human ATM is a term thrown about but i honestly don't believe such a creature exists for several reasons one of which is that human ATM's are people and people have preferences and limitations so their aren't a machine if they see a Domme they don't like then of course they aren't going to tribute that Domme. Additionally if they tributed everyone that walked along then they would run out of money fairly quickly.

I think the subs that identify as a human ATM often times don't think of it in these terms and try to think of it simply, as another humiliating term to be thrown about. If i ever a actual human ATM i'll be pretty surprised because i often wonder if that's a possible thing. I've met a couple subs over time who did tribute upon first contact i doubt that was because they were a human ATM though but because they were trying to get my attention.

I do find that subs who identify as human ATM's tend to be sluts though, which i love a good slut as long as their honest about being one i find it's easier to not have to take the responsibility for a sub and while ownership is great fun it can be a lot of work so sluts do have their purpose as well. They also aid newer Dommes in getting their confidence sometimes at least from what i've seen. So that's why i don't believe that human ATM's are real.

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